2421 23rd St, Columbus, NE, 68601, US

This is a hard topic for me because every day in the office I have patients who are desperate to have a better life, but due to the pain they have, they are addicted to opioids and their controlling side effects.  They don’t know where to turn. Common opioids are: Hydrocodone (Vicodin), Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet), Tramadol, Morphine, and Codeine.  They work by reducing the intensity of pain messages to the brain and affect the areas of the brain that perceives pain and controls emotion.  Opioids do nothing to help the cause of your pain, only dull it! Pain is, in my mind, God’s way of telling you something is wrong that needs your attention!  Covering up your pain is NOT the answer!

A study published in the Journal of Neurology 2014 “Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain”, a position paper of the Academy of Neurology, states the following:

What does all of this say?  Use of opioids, especially over three months, will make long-term disability twice as likely, and you will still have your pain because they lose their effectiveness covering up your pain!  The side effects are a long list, with death the ultimate side effect for over 100,000 people.

This next fact is totally heartbreaking, over 20,000 babies are born with addiction every year!  These numbers stem from mothers who knew of no other alternative for pain relief than to take drugs.  Could Chiropractic help?  Maybe not all 20,000 but a large percentage of mothers would respond to Chiropractic Care and lifestyle changes!  People need to know there are options to opioids in most cases, and the fact to remember, opioids do nothing for the cause of their problem!  I know this is one Chiropractor who would do anything to help even one of those babies avoid the horrors of an addiction they had nothing to do with.

If you are reading this, you are likely considering Chiropractic for yourself or a loved one.  Be sure to share what you know about opioids and their addictive side effects as well as the positive results Chiropractic gets and which also provides long-term benefit.  Chiropractic provides solutions!

If you live in the Columbus, NE area and have questions, give our office a call.  It may be the most important call you will ever make if you or a loved one are taking an opioid drug.

People’s attitudes about health, nutrition and wellness have been changing drastically over the past 20 or 30 years in the United States. There has been an increased interest in eating less processed foods, exercising more and in using alternative methods for curing illnesses or healing injuries. Chiropractic care has, in recent years, become one of the most popular and sought-after holistic treatment methods. According to a recent Gallup poll, more than 33 million Americans received chiropractic care in 2014 and, of those people, two-thirds reported feeling that chiropractic adjustments were a highly effective treatment for back and neck pain.

Relieving Pain from Auto Accident Injuries with Acupuncture in Columbus

Here at Hinze Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we are also big proponents of using complementary health care methods to enhance and help speed up the healing process. For our patients suffering from chronic illnesses, sports injuries, muscle strains or car accident injuries in Columbus and surrounding areas, we do our best to care for their ailments and alleviate pain in the most natural, hands-on way. We avoid simply masking the pain with prescription or over-the-counter drugs and instead focus on highly effective, non-invasive techniques such as acupuncture, low level laser therapy combined with our manual spinal manipulations. When these gentle treatments are combined, they have proven to be a highly potent treatment for chronic ailments and accident-related injuries.

Needle-Less Acupuncture

If you’re looking for Columbus acupuncture practitioners but you’re a bit wary of having a treatment done because of your fear of needles, rest assured that our dedicated chiropractor in Columbus is skilled and experienced at providing gentle, painless acupuncture treatments to stimulate healing. Dr. Hinze is a practitioner of needle-less acupuncture, which uses a Teishin needle or mild electrotherapy to stimulate the appropriate acupuncture points on the body. The Teishin needle is a non-invasive tool so since there is no needle prick, there is no bleeding or risk of infection. Combined with chiropractic adjustments, needle-less acupuncture has the ability to speed up recovery time and offers longer-lasting pain-relief results.

New Patients

The best way to fully understand how acupuncture and chiropractic care can provide auto injury treatment that will alleviate your pain and help you heal faster is to experience it for yourself. We offer all of our new patients a FREE consultation, so give us a call and we’ll be happy to schedule you to come in for an appointment.

Most people understand how important movement is to their physical health.  Most have heard the statement “if you don’t use it, you will lose it!”  What many do not realize, is we are not just talking about your musculoskeletal system, but also your brain and nervous system.  Two Medical Doctors from Australia have done a lot of research on this concerning Chiropractic, and published several papers on it. Drs. Milne and Gorman proposed that much of humanity is suffering from decreased brain functioning due to decreased cerebral blood flow, that it is so common that it is considered “normal,” and that people are disabled by a “mental illness which has a simple physical cause.”

That simple physical cause is lack of movement and function.  This is where Chiropractic comes in.  Your nervous system needs to be happy and healthy.  Drs. Milne and Gorman continue to say “where the chiropractor stands alone is in the claim that it is possible to change the function of the rest of the body by manipulation of the spine.”

Doctors of Chiropractic see what many consider “miracles” in their offices everyday!  We do that by making sure there is unencumbered input into the brain and effective transmission of signals back to the body.  Chiropractic effects and gets results for many conditions most people would never imagine!  Dr. Milne and Gorman state “with the passage of time (under care) the list of conditions for which spinal manipulation was indicated enlarged.”

“Dr. Milne and Gorman make the point that as time progressed, more complicated problems were corrected (ie. headaches, then dizziness, then vision, then depression, etc.)”

– Quote from Dr. James Chestnut’s book, The Wellness Practice.

If you haven’t tried Chiropractic and Acupuncture, you haven’t tried everything! Chiropractic and Acupuncture often get results where other methods fail!

If you live in the Columbus, NE area and have questions or would like an opinion if Chiropractic and Acupuncture may be of benefit to you, give us a call for a complimentary consultation!  You could have much to gain!

Since the invention of chiropractic techniques in the late 19th century, the spinal adjustment has been the mainstay treatment. Now, there are several specific techniques that are used, but all have the main purpose of reducing pain and tension. Which technique is best, of course, is up for debate: The practitioners of each one claim theirs is superior. Doctors who know more than one, however, may choose which one to use based on the symptoms being treated.

How Are Spinal Adjustments Done?

Typically, our chiropractor in Columbus will apply a soft thrust to the vertebrae that are being treated. This is done one vertebra at a time. The goal is to bring them into proper alignment with each other so that they work together well. Spinal adjustment is also meant to relieve impingement on the spinal nerves.

Originally, spinal adjustment techniques typically caused the back to make popping noises as the procedure was carried out. This led to chiropractic care being described as "cracking your back." Now, however, techniques have been developed that do not cause these sounds. Which one will be used depends on your condition and the doctor's preferred technique.

What Problems Can Be Treated with These Techniques?

Most commonly, people go to chiropractors to get rid of lower back pain or neck pain. These, however, are just two of the many problems that can be helped by these doctors. Pain that is caused by irritated nerves can present itself almost anywhere in the body, and chiropractic care can help if the irritation is actually located in the spine. Many people find that a chiropractor can bring relief for leg pain, arm pain, and even abdominal issues. This is especially true if examinations of the painful part have revealed no problems in the immediate area.

Relief Your Back At Hinze Chiropractic & Acupuncture

If you have been suffering from back pain, or you have pains elsewhere in the body that haven't been attributed to problems in those parts, come see us at Hinze Chiropractic Center. Call Us Today (402) 564-9447 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

2421 23rd St 
Columbus, NE

Mon: 9:30am–12:30pm
Tues: 9:30am–12:30pm
Wed: 9:30am–12:30pm
Thurs: By Appointment Only
Fri: Closed
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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