Since the invention of chiropractic techniques in the late 19th century, the spinal adjustment has been the mainstay treatment. Now, there are several specific techniques that are used, but all have the main purpose of reducing pain and tension. Which technique is best, of course, is up for debate: The practitioners of each one claim theirs is superior. Doctors who know more than one, however, may choose which one to use based on the symptoms being treated.
How Are Spinal Adjustments Done?
Typically, our chiropractor in Columbus will apply a soft thrust to the vertebrae that are being treated. This is done one vertebra at a time. The goal is to bring them into proper alignment with each other so that they work together well. Spinal adjustment is also meant to relieve impingement on the spinal nerves.
Originally, spinal adjustment techniques typically caused the back to make popping noises as the procedure was carried out. This led to chiropractic care being described as "cracking your back." Now, however, techniques have been developed that do not cause these sounds. Which one will be used depends on your condition and the doctor's preferred technique.
What Problems Can Be Treated with These Techniques?
Most commonly, people go to chiropractors to get rid of lower back pain or neck pain. These, however, are just two of the many problems that can be helped by these doctors. Pain that is caused by irritated nerves can present itself almost anywhere in the body, and chiropractic care can help if the irritation is actually located in the spine. Many people find that a chiropractor can bring relief for leg pain, arm pain, and even abdominal issues. This is especially true if examinations of the painful part have revealed no problems in the immediate area.
Relief Your Back At Hinze Chiropractic & Acupuncture
If you have been suffering from back pain, or you have pains elsewhere in the body that haven't been attributed to problems in those parts, come see us at Hinze Chiropractic Center. Call Us Today (402) 564-9447 to learn more and schedule an appointment.